
For general repairs, click on the word "Luthiers" in the navigation bar.

I would like to have some engraving done on the metal parts of my banjo. Where can I get that done? Click here to find out about a new service from First Quality Music.

For really fine custom hand engraving -- Sam Alfano -- Master Engraver. Sam has a passion for the banjo. His web site is

For special inlays, purfling and other fancy stuff to build your own banjos or other musical instruments.
Anita Marquetry, located in the UK, makes "bespoke" or custom inlays for all sorts of projects.

I need to have some parts plated. Where should I go. Try Nashville Plating Service.

Contact Bill Palmer

©2006 Bill Palmer. All rights reserved. For permission to republish contact Bill Palmer. The opinions expressed on this page are strictly Bill Palmer's. Mastertone, Stelling and the other brand and model names are the property of the manufacturers and other people who own them.